My Writings

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Immense Pain

Lately all i do on weekends is SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP... and during the week I'm so DRAINED it's crazy you'd think I don't get sleep but I do... maybe it's my depression.
This morning I woke up in immense pain. well lately my chest has been hurting (not like an anxiety hurt either) and I went to bed with that pain last night and this morning when i woke up it was still there and I had immense pain in my back (whole back) like it felt as though the pain was in my bones.  I wanted to cry.  I was in bed and picked up my phone and called my mom (her room is right above mine)  I ended up going to the Dr.'s and they drew my blood and they are doing blood work... won't get results back till tomorrow or Thursday. They switched my anti depressants from Prozac to Oleptro... I went on  Prozac when I went into the Hospital in august and since I've been on Prozac my eating has been out of control and I've gained so much weight cuz of my eating :-(  and my depression has been bad lately... so I'm hoping this helps me get control of my eating and helps with my depression and helps with my sleep too. 
 Monday I got a call from the school saying that my name has come up on the waiting list so I am going in tomorrow to finish the paper work and I get to start going to school on Monday.  The class is Nutrition Assistant and it's only a week long course.  But I'm excited I get to go back to school... I've been missing it.  Then after the class is all over I've got to start looking for a Job with insurance :-( I'm gonna miss babysitting.  But I need insurance.

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