My Writings

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Change Is Good

Why is change good?  
How has change been good for me?
Change has taught me that it's something I struggle with, when it's change with mental health.  But change in other areas of my life is easier to cope with.  
Change gives me the chance to learn more about me and what I can handle and what I need help with.  

Thanks! S. Lyric 
@KatiMorton #JournalTopic Just saw a great quote that got me thinking: 
'recovery is scary, but so is remaining exactly the same'.
I like this because I often think we fear change, but it can help to remember that we are unhappy with the way things are now! So maybe change can be good. Obviously we have to consider what is good for us, but not doing something because of fear of what may go wrong is not a good enough reason to stay where we are. So I challenge you, take stock of what's going on and what changes you can make to possibly make things better for you. Go get it! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The darkness of the void

It's 11:40 PM and I'm feeling empty inside.  I'm not sure how to describe it, but I'm going to try. It's like there is something missing from my life.  Like there is a hole in my heart.  It's dark.
I feel it during the day sometimes, but its so much easier to avoid feeling this emptiness during the day because I can distract by: playing with my dog, doing chores, hang out with friends (which I did more when I had friends that could more easily hang out). 
At night I could go to the gym, unless I've taken my meds already.  I could try meditation (which someone on my Facebook page suggested) which I'm now looking into it. I could try reading but reading has been difficult lately because of my concentration is very poor and it's not helping like it use to, but maybe my concentration has come back to where I can understand and follow the story. I could color or draw, but that doesn't take much concentration and I still feel empty inside when I've tried that.
If anyone has any ideas of what I can do to help fill this void/emptiness, or ways to distract from this feeling please let me know.  

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Please share your input on how I can improve this blog. THANK YOU

I would like to make this blog more interesting yet use it to vent and have it as a place where people can relate to what I go though so that people like me do feel so alone.

I want to post my struggles, my feelings, about what I read that pertains to mental health and how I relate, and about my daily life.

I would love to have input and comments to read and if the comments are how to improve this blog I'd be more than happy to hear how I can improve.

If you have any suggestions on what I can do please leave a comment and share.

I watch Kati Morton videos and she does journal topics and I'm thinking of using this for some of the journal topic and maybe if my readers want to do journal topics with me we could help encourage each other to do them.  I'd share Kati Morton's videos of the journal topics  and type it out so if you just wanted to watch the video then do the journal topic that you can or if you just wanted to read and not watch the video you can.  or you could watch and read the journal topic.
If you don't know who Kati Morton is I'll share some of her pages with you.
Web Page

Thank you for reading and please share your input and enjoy this blog... and if you have any ideas on how I can improve please share.  Thank you. <3