My Writings

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The darkness of the void

It's 11:40 PM and I'm feeling empty inside.  I'm not sure how to describe it, but I'm going to try. It's like there is something missing from my life.  Like there is a hole in my heart.  It's dark.
I feel it during the day sometimes, but its so much easier to avoid feeling this emptiness during the day because I can distract by: playing with my dog, doing chores, hang out with friends (which I did more when I had friends that could more easily hang out). 
At night I could go to the gym, unless I've taken my meds already.  I could try meditation (which someone on my Facebook page suggested) which I'm now looking into it. I could try reading but reading has been difficult lately because of my concentration is very poor and it's not helping like it use to, but maybe my concentration has come back to where I can understand and follow the story. I could color or draw, but that doesn't take much concentration and I still feel empty inside when I've tried that.
If anyone has any ideas of what I can do to help fill this void/emptiness, or ways to distract from this feeling please let me know.  

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