My Writings

Thursday, April 25, 2013

how it feels

Like my body is drugged...
Like my limbs have ice flowing through the veins...
Sometimes I can't breath...
A knot in my chest...
Sobbing almost to the point of hyperventilating...
Yet I still come to school... Go to work... even though I feel like i'm falling apart... would rather be in bed asleep. But i can't let this control me. I have to stay in charge and tell it to screw off and leave me alone. But It does not like to listen. So what do I do... I write... I cry... I'm talking more... I don't want to go where i was last time i felt this way... I know I can be happy again... even though it feels impossible... I can get through this...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Decided to look up anxiety symptoms...

To see if it explains what's going on with me or if I'm actually getting ill. is the sight i found the anxiety symptoms.
Lack of appetite or taste
Constant craving for sugar or sweets
Nausea or abdominal stress
Stomach upset, gas, belching, bloating
Difficulty falling or staying asleep(when is that not a problem though?)
You feel worse in the mornings
Suddenly snapping
Losing it
Always feeling angry and lack of patience
Feeling down in the dumps
Frequently being on edge or 'grouchy'
Feel like crying for no apparent reason
You feel like you are under pressure all the time
You often feel you are carrying the world on your shoulders
Having difficulty concentrating
Frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, or that there is just too much to handle or do
Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others
A heightened fear of what people think of you
Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath
Chest pain or discomfort
No energy, feeling lethargic, tired
Night sweats, waking up in a sweat, profusely sweating at night
Increased or decreased sex drive
Flu-like symptoms, general malaise, feel ill, like you are coming down with a flu
Feel wrong, different, foreign, odd, or strange
Electric shock feeling, body zaps(not now but I've felt that way before)
Chronic Fatigue, exhaustion, super tired, worn out

It's Anxiety.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Update 4/16/13

Yesterday was hard... I gave into isolating myself. I have been trying to fight that, but it was that or crying all day long. I went to school. couldn't concentrate because my anxiety was so darn high. I went home and slept from 2-630.  got up and got dressed again and went to a wedding. (my best friend was getting married) my mom and i went together. While we were driving i told her some how i was feeling. I told her I'm scared to tell her. (cuz i don't want her to worry about me) I told her how my anxiety has been so high, and how i feel i might need to get back onto medication. and she said most people get happy when the weather changes from winter to spring. I told her some of the reasons what might be the reason I've been feeling so down and high anxiety. 
1. Easter break/Spring break in elementary school I was touched... I forgave the dude that did that (being that we were the same age and like 10 years old) He was still old enough to know he shouldn't be doing that but still young enough to not understand how it would affect me.   well a few months ago he called and apologized  and it has brought up feelings i didn't know existed. (when i told back in 5th grade what he did, he denied it and told me it must have been a dream) so when he admitted to it a few months ago... i knew it happened and I dunno how i feel about it. I'm thankful he apologized but I feel like i have some things to work through now.
2. 9 years ago somethings started happening with friend I didn't want any of it to happen... I'd fight back but he was just as strong or stronger, i finally stopped fighting not cuz i was OK with it but because he was gonna do it one way or another. I was friends with him until about 2010 then I said I can't do this. I can't be friends with someone who is going to bring me down. Told my parents i needed my number changed. asked my mom to apologize to his mom for me for not telling someone when he first started touching me. If i wouldn't have wanted to be his friend so badly all of that stuff could have ended years sooner than it actually did.
3. 24 years ago... April 12th My sister was born... she had died. I always have wanted to be her older sister. and sometimes i feel like I'm the only person that remembers her. I want to celebrate her birthday for her. But i don't 100% think that Maryanne is the reason my anxiety and depression has kicked in this time of year... yeah I'll admit I'm sad about not getting the chance to be her sister here/now, but I understand that tragedy happens.
Only thing I can do is work through this.. I'm not going into that dark place again. as much as i don't want to get on meds, if i can't work through this I'll go back and get back on my meds again. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

I want to go back to being "her"

I'm slipping back down. I'm looking for that rock to grab onto before I fall right back into that dark abyss. I'm not sure what has brought this on but I think i know. But before i go to guessing if i'm right about where this is  coming from I wanna know what's normal and what's not. Maybe i should go into psychology and learn these things. 
These things I'm finding on Wikipedia 
A fear of being touched, hapnophobia.
Specific fears related to certain characteristics of the assailant, e.g. side-burns, straight hair, the smell of alcohol or cigarettes, type of clothing or car. (his cologne) (or guys that remind me of him/wearing ball caps) 
Appetite disturbances such as nausea and vomiting. Rape survivors are also prone to developing anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia. (binging) and hating my body.
Violent fantasies of revenge may also arise.
May block thoughts of the assault from their minds and may not want to talk about the incident or any of the related issues. (They don't want to think about it). (yet i also want to talk about it too... it depends with who)
The underground stage may last for years and the victim seems as though that they are "over it", despite the fact the emotional issues are not resolved.(maybe i was not over it... and now it's resurfacing) 
More commonly, assaults are committed by someone the victim knows and trusts. May be heightened feelings of self-blame and guilt.
Whether or not they were injured during a sexual assault, rape survivors exhibit higher rates of poor health in the months and years after an assault,[4] including acute somatoform disorders (physical symptoms with no identifiable cause).
They feel hesitant to enter new relationships.
and one i can't find... so if someone knows... please answer... 
I don't want any sexual contact... but lately I've been pleasuring myself. (ashamed to admit) I'll get on my iPod and go to a chat room and be promiscuous there.  I don't want to be that kind of person. is that common to not want anything yet want it at the same time?

I was cleaning/organizing my room and i found my journal and i started to read it. I had a complete break down. I was sweet and innocent. Now i feel dirty and unclean.  I wanted to read my scriptures and say my prayers. I was happy for the most part.  Yeah i did want to pierce my eyebrow at one point... made me laugh. I was excited that my dads friend and I have the same birthday. (January 1st) I loved dance. Dance was my world. I miss that me. I want to go back to being her. but after what she's gone through it's impossible to be her. I can only pretend to be her cuz I'll never be her again.