My Writings

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I am so drained

I have no energy today.  I didn't sleep well last night either.  I don't know what's wrong with me... I love the kids I babysit, I just feel so overwhelmed with them lately, they don't sleep in. they're so loud and hyper.  I guess your typical kid... But lately I am just so drained and overwhelmed that one little thing they do that I don't like  I'm sending them to their rooms.  I hate it, I gotta let them be kids and not get mad at them cuz I'm so dang tired. 
I am going to talk to my parents and I hope we can figure something out. When I was younger I didn't know how to discipline kids (my siblings) so I would spank them or I'd put them in the shower with their cloths on... I wasn't nice at all. and I'm scared if I get too tired I might lash out and spank them or give them an unreasonable consequence for something they did wrong. I think I might need some me time... but I won't earn any money if i take some me time.  So i feel trapped.  So goal is to get my parents together and sit down and explain to them how I'm feeling and see if we can all come up with a reasonable thing to do to solve this issue I'm dealing with. 
I found my day planner.
I went to the gym yesterday spent 3 hours there. It was so hard to walk the 3 miles or do the 5k  but I rode the 6 miles on the bike in a breeze... and swimming was eh.... I used the kick board I need to practice swimming without the kick board.   So I want to go to the gym every day this week except Sunday and do the "beach bum triathlon" my neighbor wants me to do yoga with her tonight.  so uhg I feel so overwhelmed.  Am I taking on too much?  I don't do squat compared to other people because I don't handle stress well, and i break down and i end up getting physically sick. I think I might be getting sick. 

 @ Jen - Thank you so much, I'll check the book out... see if they have it at the library.  
I just tried the beach bum tri at the gym and it kicked my butt... that requires stamina. 
I'd love to talk more with you also.  If you want you can email me @

@ Thin or Not - I don't think I'm as busy as it sounded.  I have friends and family that do way more than I do.  If i take on too much I break down.  I wish I could take on more and not let it affect me in a negative way... that's something I'll have to learn to do little by little.  

Hope all is well.


  1. I hope you feel better! Try and get more sleep. I am so jealous of your gym dedication. My school is 20 miles away, and that is the only gym I go to... And I have a treadmill that I need to use at home!

  2. Oh honey don't get overwhelmed! you've got this I promise. You're really strong. If you need a break park those kids in front of the tv, or get them to play a board game with each other. Then go to the other room and breeeeeathe.

    btw, I was wondering if you'd consider a change in font? all caps is really hard to read and it sort of looks like your shouting a lot... lol I know you aren't tho

