My Writings

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Doing it over again expeting defferent results...

Why do we do the same things over again expecting a different result?
Example: Why do I binge, then expect to feel better after, when I actually feel worse than I did before I binge?
Why does someone go out and get drunk when the hang over is hell?
You'd think we would learn from our experiences yet, we do them over and over again expecting different results or hoping for a different ending.

I don't understand this. I binge and I feel so miserable after I do so.
Like last night, I binged to the point everything came back up, and I didn't force myself to purge, it made me sick... (I don't purge much maybe about 8 times a year) 

Last night experience made me realize, I need to change, I don't want to live like this, being miserable then binging for "comfort" and then feeling even more miserable after.
I want my clothes to fit me. My binging has been so out of control that hardly any of my clothes fit me anymore.  I want to hide. I feel so gross, I'm ashamed of how I look, I feel more depressed too.
I googled how to stop binge eating and found this website and I printed the stuff off... and I'm hoping this will help me with my binging, and next week when I see my counselor I'm going to talk to her about it and hope she'll be able to help me. 

Emotional Eating and Binge Eating: A Personal Insight
From my own personal journey since I was a young girl struggling with binge eating and being overweight, and as a professional working for the last 21 years with binge eating and compulsive eating men and women who struggle to lose weight, stopping binge eating has taught me over and over again that it is their emotional issues, their emotional hungers that they keep stuffed inside of their bodies by eating that keep them living in the binge eating world.  It is their emotional hungers that keep them from incorporating and practicing normal healthy eating habits that would allow them to feel physically healthier, psychologically happier, have more energy, lose weight and be able to move more freely in the world.  Emotional eaters who suffer from binge eating spend most of their adult life trying to stop their binge eating by going on one diet after another rather than addressing the binge eating disorder directly so they can live a happy and normal life.  What I teach my clients at SolutionsWeigh Program for Binge Eating Disorders is to do exactly that.  Stop binge eating!
Binge Eating Ideas That Work:
Give a voice to your feelings.  The more you give a voice to your feelings the less you will attempt to swallow your feelings by binge eating. 
Do you know how to perform self-soothing?  Most people with binge eating disorders don’t.  They didn’t learn how to self-sooth as young children for various reasons.  Instead, they have learned to use binge eating of food as a way to self-soothe.  But, it doesn’t work.

Binge eating disorder and emotional eating is not about being out of control with food.  It’s about needing to control uncomfortable emotions that you want to avoid.  If you change your focus and learn the skills to give voice to your emotions and your feelings, rather than try to control your food, you will be amazed at how much easier it is to set limits with food.
Do you always feel hungry?  Put down the food. Your inner child is starving!!!!!
Take a moment to listen to yourself.  That’s not hunger you are experiencing, its your inner child who wants you to listen to her.  You are not paying attention to her. She doesn’t want you to shove food down her throat.  What she wants and needs is for you to binge on words.   
Breathtaking, juicy, big fat dripping, wonderful, salivating, well done, binge words to feed your inner child of love.  Binge on words that will fill up that empty pit of hunger in her stomach with warm fuzzy feelings that you have been searching for your entire life.  Binge eating people so often spend most of their lives hating the way their bodies look and refusing to be kind to themselves because of the hatred they have for their bodies.  That self-loathing is not just about your body, its also a statement about yourself. 
If you had a small child standing in front of you looking up at you with an innocent face, would you tell her how much you hate her because she is fat?  Never, so why is it OK to tell yourself that?  It's not.  So think of your inner child (give her an age) standing in front of you, starving for your (parents) attention.  You can ignore her, verbally abuse her, or soothe her.  Think about what your parents did to you.  Today, you have a choice, don’t continue to verbally abuse yourself with harsh words and criticisms that only make you the cycle of self-hatred continue. 
You can heal those wounds, Think of it this way:  Adopt your inner child, she’s STARVING, she’s been neglected, criticized and emotionally abandoned.  If you saw a five year old on the street, your heart would go out to her, well that’s what your inner child feels, too.  It's not hunger pains you feel, it’s the child who never heard those words of love from the parents who raised you.
At a recent retreat I gave, when the women talked about how much they hated themselves and what they looked like, and told me that they refused to be kind and say nice things to themselves until they lost weight, I gave them this picture of their inner child.  I told them to sit quietly and think of themselves at that young age, and think of who said those mean and cruel words to them and how it felt.  Look at this innocent child who did nothing wrong.  The tears came pouring down their faces as they realized that little girl was still inside of them, and how hurtful those words still feel today.  If you want to stop binge eating food, start bingeing on words.  Words of love and praise go a long way in helping build self-esteem.  Even if you think yours is broken, it can be repaired. Not by continuing the hatred, but by nurturing the wounds.  Binge on your kind words, they are non caloric and they don’t cost anything!
Make a copy of this picture, and start feeding yourself with the following words:
You are special
I will always love you
I will protect you
You are wonderful
I love you because you are my child
You are the best
You are soooooo beautiful

Are you an all or nothing person?  Are you either on a diet or off a diet?  Are you either binge eating or not binge eating?

Make your binge eating failures into motivation. Successful people are motivated.  They have plans that are manageable, which include failing, which is a pre-requisite to learning to change.

Search for the 'secret' ingredient in your favorite food.  Do you have special foods you eat when you are binge eating?  Make a list of these foods.
               a. What foods do you want when you think of the following feelings
 b.   Next, think back to when you were young and try and connect each food with a family occasion or particular memory you have about your family or family members.
For example, Jane always wanted chocolate jelly rings when she was upset.  They had to be a special brand that she could only buy at two specialty stores.  So she would stock up on them for those ‘just in case times’.  When she thought about the jelly rings, she had a memory of her grandmother sitting on the couch calling her to sit next to her, feeding her the jelly rings, and stroking her hair.  It was always a special time for Jane, because her mother was always too busy to sit with her.  So the emotional reason why Jane needed to have jelly rings not because the jelly rings were so special, but because she connected it to the closeness and soothing she felt from her grandmother every time she sat next to her and ate the jelly ring while she stroked her hair.
Today, after doing the above exercise, Jane has learned to stroke her own hair, think of her grandmother and can get in touch with those same wonderful warm fuzzy feelings and bring those special memories back without eating the jelly rings.


Moonlight Mistress/ MLM - Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.  And Yes, it's so NOT FUN.

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