My Writings

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

binging binging binging... HELP ME STOP!!!!!

I had a major binge last night.
ate a dozen doughnuts, and it literally made me sick.
I didn't mean to purge I just got so sick it all came back up. 
I thought maybe I was sick, but so far today I'm holding everything down.
Has anyone else ever ate so much that it literally made you sick?
I'm needing help.
I don't want someone to tell me to change the bad habits... If it were that easy I would.  I'm out of control. I don't understand it. 
Why do I do this to myself?
Why can't I eat like a healthy person eats? why do I want to starve, and see bones?  yet binge all the damn time?
I need advice... someone help... what should I do?

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