My Writings

Monday, October 3, 2011

Why is it so difficult (spiritual)

I am not sure why it's so difficult for me to kneel down and pray. Am I scared? If I'm scared, what am I scared of?  Scared that Heavenly Father will roll his eyes and mumble under his breath stop being so dramatic? (my dad has said that to me when I was crying and struggling) Scared that I won't be heard? (a lot in life I will say something and I feel no one will acknowledged what I have said... and being shy doesn't help cuz then it makes it harder to talk when I'm not acknowledged) Because I feel unworthy to pray/ that I have sinned too much to even have my prayers answered? 
I don't like feeling like I need to pray when I'm so scared to do so. I want to understand why it's so difficult for me to pray. I know that Heavenly Father is real, and that Jesus Christ came to earth and suffered and died for us, and I know the holy ghost is real, I've felt the holy ghost. So why is it so difficult to pray?  Don't get me wrong I do say little prayers in my heart for family and friends who may be struggling, I ask that they be comforted and know that they are cared for, but I feel I need to get down and pray, thank the Lord for all my blessing that I have, for my family and friends, to seek help and guidance in my everyday life, and to talk to my Father in Heaven like I do a friend and trust that he is there listening to what I have to say.  
I am going to take this a baby step at a time, I need to get over this and just kneel down and pray... so if baby steps is what it takes to get me there than that's what I'll do. 


  1. I am sure a lot of people have felt the way you are currently feeling. But the one thing you need to remember is that Jesus loves you and he always will. He died for you and wants you to talk to Him. He did not die for you to feel ashamed to come to Him.
    There is this church near my house that has on their sign "when it is hardest to pray, pray the hardest."
    I will pray for you and that you find a point where you do not feel ashamed to talk to your Heavenly Father. I also want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need to talk about anything. You can email me at

    Love you in Christ

  2. I'm not at home right now so I am unsure of the brand that I bought. I know I looked on a website that ranked the HCG diet stuff and it was one of the top ranked ones. It received 5 out of 5 stars. The website is like 1.hcg (something like that). Let me know if you find it, I can give you a coupon code to receive a discount.

  3. Never feel discourage to pray, God will always listen to you no matter what, he knows every thought that you have, he knows that your intentions are there and you are trying, he will never look at you and think you are being dramatic, God is very merciful and he will listen to you even if you don't kneel down and pray, You can pray sitting down, even laying down, there is no wrong or right way to pray as long as you are talking to God, when you pray talk out loud when you are completely alone, in your room, in the bathroom, even in the shower in the mornings if you feel that you have more privacy there, talk to him tell him what you feel, thank him for whatever you feel you need to thank him for, and trust me he will listen to you, 100% .. I have done this before and God has answered my prayers. Keep your faith up and never think you are alone, because God is always by your side, he gives you life everyday.. which means he hasn't forgotten about you not one bit. never feel ashamed of what you want to tell him, he will always understand you.. if you ever feel like you want to talk you can always email me, and maybe i can help some way or an other. :)

    stay strong and God bless you greatly.

