My Writings

Saturday, June 26, 2010


What is beauty?
What is TRUE beauty?
1. The qualities that give pleasure to the senses.
2. A very attractive or seductive looking woman.
When we think of beauty there are two ways we tend to think of it.
How kind, gentle, caring, a person is.
One who puts others before themselves.
Someone who knows who they are, A Son or Daughter of a King (our Heavenly Father.)
One who stands firm in what they believe.
Someone who loves everyone.
Those who may be having a rough day, yet strives to be happy and not take things out on others.
These qualities would be considered inner beauty. Beauty I think we should all strive for. The beauty that should really truly count.

Then there's the beauty we see in the media.
The perfect stomach.
The perfect arms.
The perfect legs.
The perfect face.
The perfect hair.
The perfect back.
The perfect hands.
The media points out the physical flaws of Megan Fox with her thumb.
Then finds a photo of Tyra Banks, Jessica Simpson... and says how "obese" they are.

What is Ugly
There are two ways two define ugly
Physical ugliness
Not taking care of ourselves by:
Showers, Combing/brushing hair, eating right, getting the right amount of exercise meant for our bodies, bushing teeth...
Inner ugliness
Having a sour attitude
Throwing fits
Being Negative
Telling others you hate them
Finding everything to be bad

Don't get me wrong with the ugliness/beauty... some of us struggle with depression and those of us that do we can set goals to look for the positive in things even if we feel it's the most negative thing that could ever happen. Some of us struggle with anorexia/bulimia/compulsive eating/compulsive exercising/Eating Disorders/Body Image, those of us who struggle with ED's lets aim to find the good in ourselves, physical and inner. It might take some work but I know there is good in everyone.

Now I would like your opinion... What is it that makes someone Beautiful? What makes someone Ugly?

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