My Writings

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Help

I just saw the movie last night... I've not read the book yet, although after seeing the movie I really want to read the book... unfortunately my mom lent her book out yesterday so I'll have to wait to read it.  In the movie there was a quote I really really like.... "YOU IS KIND, YOU IS SMART, YOU IS IMPORTANT" I think we all tend to forget this from our negative self talk to ourselves... so i wrote this down and I'm going to post it where I can see it every morning I wake up and every night before I go to bed. 


@ Annie - I didn't do too well this week with my gym attendance.  I was so drained on Tuesday that I ended up going to bed at 7:30.Wednesday was a pool party for my sisters drill(dance) team. and Yesterday/Thursday I went and saw The Help... today/Friday isn't quite over yet so I should be able to make it to the gym today.  It's hard for me to use a treadmill, I'm not use to them cuz I usually well always use the elliptical, I'm working on changing that. 

@ Clear Girl - Thank you for the advice... Yesterday/Thursday I ended up sending them downstairs telling them it's quiet time for at least a half hour... it worked... I was shocked at how well it worked.  
After I read your comment on the font... I did change it... I hope this font is better... let me know if it's still hard to read.     


  1. I really want to see this movie but my town only shows three movies. And it is not one of them. This week--Smurfs, Planet of the Apes and Captain America. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I want to see that movie really badly! I'll have to wait until the $2 theater starts showing it though. You're right, we do tend to forget that we are important and to love ourselves. Thank you for reminding me.
