Neck 16.8 16.5
Waist 50.5 49.5
Hips 56.5 52.3
Chest 53 50
R Arm 19 18.5
L Arm 19 18
R Thigh 30 30
L Thigh 29.5 29.5
Weight 306.8 302
Body fat% 64.94% 60.44%
BMI 49.5 48.7
I've been working out to 80 Day Obsession. It's hard but it's also a fun workout too. These photos and measurements are only 4 weeks apart. I'm enjoying this journey. Some days are harder than others but it's so worth it. If you are interested in doing 80 Day Obsession message me and mention workout or 80 Day Obsession in the Topic bar and I'll get back to you asap.
Thank you for following me on my journey I'll post again in 4 weeks if not sooner. Take care.
Your friend