My Writings

Monday, February 15, 2016

What's up with race?

I'm watching  ballet documentary... I love documentaries and I love ballet.  Well it's about blacks people of color, and how they don't get the "white people roles"   because who would want to watch a black white swan?  Isn't that what costumes are for?  I don't see what the big deal is if the person has the talent and the stage presence cast the "colored" girl/guy because I'd rather watch someone who has great stage presence and technique then someone who just had the technique.   I do have to admit that in the documentary I'm watching they have had a female of "color"  dance the main character in two different ballets.  So I'm glad progress is being made, but I think little girls no matte what color should be able to dream of being the priema (SP)  ballerina.

I don't understand the "black lives matter" that is going on in some parts of the country.  I think all lives matter, not just blacks, but white, Latino, Orientals, everyone lives matter.  Everyone plays an important part in someones life.

I don't understand how some people can look down at someone of a different race and think they are the scum of the earth because of their skin color. No one is perfect and just because someone of that skin color did something negative to you, does not mean everyone of their race is bad and negative  people.

Get to know someone and remember "It's hard to hate someone whose story you know."

Sunday, February 14, 2016

About a friend

She senses there is a problem, but does not fully know what it is, or even admit it.  All she cares about is numbing out weather it be by drinking, pills, or weed. She just wants to run away and numb out.
Her cousin recently died from complications to a suicide attempt, although everyone has been told it was a car accident.  One of her best friends mother just passed away. Yet with how sad these things are, she wishes these things happened to her.  Wishes she was the one that died. wishes she was the one in a medical induced coma.  Wishes she could be numb (a drugged numb)
She's starting to abuse her medication, taking more anxiety meds, more sleeping meds and more benadryl.
I don't think she truly wants help right now, but how can I help her before she gets hooked on alcohol, hooked on benadryl, hooked on weed, and hooked on anything else that will numb her out?
She doesn't understand why her aunt and cousins are so worried about her. Yes she's depressed, yes she wants to numb out, but she's not suicidal.
I don't know how to help, so if you can help please let me know.
<3 thank you.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Happy Feb 1st

        I've fallen behind. I was doing a book where you read a positive thought, and what it means, then it gives you a goal for the day.  It's called Staying Strong 365 Days a Year by Demi Lovato.  It's rather good.  When I do it, it helps me think more positively.

         I'm thinking about writing again... like a book/movie script. I want to know if you would read it and help critique me and the story.

          My brother introduced me to FiiZ DRiNKS it's so good. I like the Purple Nurple, and the Warheads.  I think the Warhead drinks would mix well with Vodka.  perfect way to get wasted hahaha.